#210 7015 Macleod Trail SW, AB T2H 2K6, Calgary, alberta T2H 2K6
To make meaningful connections with new people where I can bring value while also building my own small business.
I grew up hiking and camping tons, so any trip to the mountains is a good time for me. Out of the country I would have to go with Brazil, It’s a second home to me. Although I am eager to explore as many different places as possible throughout my life.
I love skateboarding, Mostly for the camaraderie and inclusiveness the community offers. I know that no matter where I am, If I go to a skatepark, I’ll make a friend!
I love watching all sorts of movies, especially those with intricate plots, but my all-time favorite is E.T. Something about it just brings a tear to my eye, haha. Growing up, I was a die-hard Beatles fan, so they definitely have a place in my heart, along with AC/DC. However, my taste in music is constantly evolving. Choosing a favorite book is tough, too. Recently, the book that has resonated with me the most is “Atomic Habits” by James Clear.